Study in Luleå
Luleå is a centre of learning with 13,500 university students. The university is playing a decisive role in the development of Luleå and the region.
The university offers a wide variety of programmes: in engineering, the social sciences, the humanities, teaching, music, media arts and drama. Students are also able to choose from among numerous courses outside their main areas of study.
Luleå offers unique degree programmes in space engineering, working sciences, environmental planning and design, wood technology, as well as qualification studies and European EEIGM programmes. In the media arts, programmes in media teaching and multimedia production are offered.
Most students study and live on or near the main campus in Luleå but the university also has campuses in Kiruna, Piteå and Skellefteå.
More about Luleå University of Technology External link..
Student accommodation
When you apply for student housing in Luleå we recommend that you do so at the University Housing Exchange External link. and at the Municipality Housing Exchange Lulebo External link.. Lulebo mostly provides unfurnished apartments but can also offer furnished rooms in a shared apartment. As a tenant you also have access to kitchen, bathroom and common areas in the apartment. The Student Housing Agency offers furnished and unfurnished apartments and furnished rooms in shared apartments.
When applying or planning to apply to Luleå Technical University it is a good idea to be placed in queue for housing. At the Student Housing Exchange your application will be pending until you have been accepted to the school. When you confirm that you have been accepted your application will be activated in the queue. The time pending will be included in your total queue-time, which improves your chances of receiving housing quickly.
The Lulebo Housing Exchange consists of a web site where you register a personal page and then can view available apartments. You will not automatically be awarded an apartment, so you will have to enter the web site and actively apply for the available objects. The apartments are allocated based on queue time.
Students under the age of 29 and students with children can in some cases benefit from housing grants trough the Social Insurance Administration.
This page was last updated 19 August 2024