Boating in Luleå archipelago
Planning is essential for a successful visit to the archipelago. Luleå archipelago is packed with islands and cozy guest harbors. This guide provides an overview of the guest harbors, including the services available on each island and information on guest harbor fees.
Luleå municipality charges a guest harbour fee. Visiting boats can either buy a day ticket or a season pass. The season pass for guest harbors is sold at the Luleå Tourist Center in Kulturens hus.
Day tickets and season passes can also be bought from the island hosts on Junkön, Kluntarna and Småskär islands during summer season.
If the hosts are not on site, you can pay with ''Swish'' to 123-0190413, mark the payment with the boat's name and island. It is also possible to pay with cash in SEK.
Please observe that it is only possible to pay with card on Junkön island. Please note that we do not accept Euros, only Swedish krona (SEK) are accepted.
Fees for the guest harbors owned by Luleå municipality
Fee | Guest harbor | Price |
Season pass | All guest harbors owned by Luleå municipality | SEK 600 |
Day ticket | Junkön island (including electricity) | SEK 150 |
Day ticket | Luleå municipality's other guest harbors | SEK 100 |
Islands | Latitud | Longitud |
Brändöskär | 65.526126 | 22.80084 |
Hindersön | 65.576069 | 22.621536 |
Junkön | 65.454664 | 22.404474 |
Kluntarna | 65.460705 | 22.613169 |
Sandön, Klubbviken | 65.506579 | 22.353294 |
Småskär | 65.477865 | 22.719473 |
Luleå municipality's guest harbors
- Boat places: 10
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Barbecue areas
- Garbage disposal
- Outhouse
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
- Boat places: 10
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Sauna (free all year around)
- Rest cabin
- Barbecue areas
- Garbage disposal
- Outhouse
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
- Boat places: 15
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 2-4 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Two saunas (free all year around)
- Barbecue areas
- Garbage disposal
- Outhouses
- Docking for the tour boat
- Five cabins for rental (all year around)
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
- Boat places: 8
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: Shallow guest harbor. 0,5-2 meters.
- Service:
- Barbecue area
- Rest cabin
- Outhouse
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
- Boat places: 10
- Docking: Floating dock and dock
- Depth: 3 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Sauna (free all year around)
- Barbecue area
- Garbage disposal
- Outhouse
- Docking for the tour boat
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
- Boat places: 10
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Outhouse
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
- Boat places: 10
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Barbecue area
- Rest cabin
- Outhouse
- Barbecue area
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
- Boat places: 20, approximately 15 with electricity
- Docking: Floating dock and dock
- Depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Café
- Museum
- Two saunas (free)
- Shower
- Toilet
- Outhouse
- Barbecue areas
- Garbage disposal
- Dish station
- Water
- Electricity
- Toys to borrow
- Docking for the tour boat
- Three cabins for rental
- Hosts: During peak season there are hosts working at Junkön.
Guest harbor fee: SEK 150 per day.
- Boat places: 30
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 2-4 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Kiosk
- Three saunas (free all year around)
- Barbecue areas
- Garbage disposal
- Outhouses
- Toys to borrow
- Water
- Docking for the tour boat
- Three cabins for rental (all year around)
- Hosts: During peak season there are hosts working at Kluntarna.
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
- Boat places: 17
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 2 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Kiosk
- Sauna (free all year around)
- Barbecue areas
- Garbage disposal
- Outhouses
- Toys to borrow
- Docking for the tour boat
- Two cabins for rental (all year around)
- Hosts: During peak season there are hosts working at Småskär.
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
- Boat places: 114 meters of pier
- Docking: Three floating docks. Docking is only possible on the outside of the docks.
- Depth: 2 meters.
- Service:
- Barbecue area
- Outhouse
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100 per day.
Private guest harbors
Please note that the private guest harbors are not included in Luleå municipality's season pass.
- Boat places: 45
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 4 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Restaurant
- Conference
- Barbecue areas
- Garbage disposal
- Sauna
- Shower
- Toilet
- Washing machine
- Electricity
- Water
- Rental of diffrent activities
- Docking for tour boat
- Cabins for rental
Guest harbor fee: SEK 100-160 per day depending on the boat's width. Please observe that Klubbviken is not included in the season pass by Luleå municipality.
- Boat places: 55
- Docking: Floating dock
- Marina depth: 2-4 meters. Chart 414
- Service:
- Luleå sailing association's facility is on the island
- Restaurant and kiosk with limited opening hours
- Barbecue areas
- Garbage disposal
- Sauna
- Shower
- Kitchen
- Water
Guest harbor fee: SEK 150 per day.
- Boat places: 50
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 5 meters
- Service:
- The boat club Neptunu's facility is on the island
- Kiosk
- Barbecue areas
- Garbage disposal
- Sauna
- Shower
- Outhouses
- Electricity
- The guest harbor and facilities are open from the end of May until the end of September.
Guest harbor fee: SEK 50 per day for non-members. SEK 50 extra for electricity.
- Boat places: 12 meters of pier
- Docking: Floating dock
- Depth: 2 meters
- Service:
- Barbecue areas
- Outhouse
Guest harbor fee: Information on site.
Sidan uppdaterades den 24 oktober 2024